Final Individual Assignment

As a final individual assignment, you will have the chance to demonstrate your individual mastery of the core tasks we have been doing throughout our team case studies.

For this assignment, you must:

Choose a dataset Apply the tools/algorithms we'v studied this semester to discover something of value from it Discuss how your work meets the project outcomes The project outcomes for this project are:

Demonstrates understanding of the business needs / context of the data Demonstrates ability to handle non-trivial dataset (e.g., data set size, complexity of features, missing data, redundant attributes, obtaining the data, etc.) Demonstrates proper algorithm selection and application Discovered something interesting / of value (e.g., about the data, about the algorithms and their limitations in this context, something actionable for a stakeholder, etc.) Demonstrates understanding of limitations of the solution and potential ethical issues

Part 1 - Choose a Dataset

You are welcome to choose any dataset we have seen this semester, or a separate dataset that you have found on your own. Keep in mind that your dataset must be complex enough to demonstrate your mastery of the project outcomes above. If you choose one that we've used before, please keep in mind that you'll need to do additional work that specifically demonstrates your individual mastery of the topics.

If you are looking for a new dataset, a good place to find some interesting ones is: Another place that has a lot of datasets (but not quite as fun ones as Kaggle) is: the UCI data repository.

Be careful that you don't spend too much time looking for the best possible dataset, because you may not have enough time to actually work with it.

Part 2 - Apply the Tools/Algorithms of the course

Once you have selected a dataset, you need to apply the tools and algorithms we've discussed this semester to discover something interesting or of value. The specific tools, libraries, or algorithms you use are up to you. One of the outcomes is to show that you know how to apply an appropriate tool to solve a given problem.

You are welcome to leverage ideas or code from your team case study work this semester, but keep in mind that you need to demonstrate your individual mastery of the topics.

Part 3 - Discuss Mastery of Project Outcomes

When you have finished your work, please submit a document that contains the following:

The self-assessment categories are:

  1. All requirements were met and additional work was done to demonstrate creativity and excellence by going above and beyond.
  2. All requirements were met.
  3. Some attempt was made, but was slightly deficient in approach or understanding.
  4. Some attempt was made, but was significantly deficient in approach or understanding.
  5. Some attempt was made, but was extremely deficient in approach or understanding.
  6. No attempt was made.

Part 1

Choose a Dataset

Part 2

Apply the Tools/Algorithms of the course

Part 3

Discuss Mastery of Project Outcomes

Colab Notebook:

I created a neural network to predict the popularity of spotify songs. I was able to see that each epoch will increase the prediction values making it more accurate. The prediction error decreases after each epoch. I feel that my neural network is quite accurate.

I feel that with my level of mastery I deserve a 3. I feel that I was able to create a working neural network. I just am missing some understanding of the material. I feel like I was able to learn a lot from this project. I learned a lot about neural networks from this project.