Course Introduction

Hierarchical design of digital systems.  Circuit synthesis and simulation using the Verilog hardware description language.  Circuit implementation with field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs).  Technical reports and presentations are required.  Laboratory exercises are included.

Course Prerequisites

ECEN 160, ECEN 160L, ECEN 260

Instructor Contact Information

Office Phone: 208-496-7626

Office: STC320V

Office Hours:
M-F - 11:45AM - 12:45PM
(Or by appointment)

Course Outcomes

At the conclusion of this course you should be able to:

1. Develop and evaluate complex combinational and sequential circuits.

2. Describe digital systems in Verilog HDL.

3. Simulate and debug Verilog-based digital systems.

4. Synthesize Verilog designs and evaluate using the ARTIX 7 FPGA.

5. Analyze timing of digital systems.

Homework and Lab Projects

Homework will generally be assigned weekly.

After the initial week of class, lab projects will be a major emphasis in the course to solidify your understanding of Verilog-based Digital System Design.  Labs will be graded on both functionality (50%) and lab report content (50%).

  • Lab Functionality – Labs must be fully functional and on time for full credit.
  • Lab Report Content – Please submit well-documented Verilog code and applicable design notes for full credit. You will need to carefully follow the instructions provided for each lab.

Late assignments and labs will be subject a penalty of 10% per day up to 50% of the possible points.  There will be no points awarded if the assignment or lab is more than two weeks late.  If there is a true emergency, let’s talk.


There will be regular in-class quizzes on the assigned preparation materials.

Grading Schemes

Reading Preparation and Attendance 10%
Homework 20%
Lab Projects 30%
Midterm Exam 15%
Final Exam 15%
Project 10%
Total 100%


Standard BYU-Idaho Grading Scale
94-100% A 90-92.9% A- 87-89.9% B+
83-86.9% B 80-82.9% B- 77-79.9% C+
73-76.9% C 70-72.9% C- 67-69.9% D+
63-66.9% D 60-62.9% D- Below 60% F