
Design a unipolar binary multiplier using Verilog “assign” statements. These statements will need at least the “&”, “+” and the “{}” operators, but we will not use the “*” operator. The inputs to the multiplier will be the 16 DIP switches (8 for the multiplicand and 8 for the multiplier). The bank of 16 LEDs will serve to display the result. Multiplying by “1” is the same as performing the “AND” function. Therefore, the following example illustrates the commands that may be used for each partial product for 8-bit multiplication: p0[7:0] = b[0] x a[7:0] = {8{b[0]}} & a[7:0] … p7[14:7] = b[7] x a[7:0] = {8{b[7]}} & a[7:0] where p0 through p7 represent the eight partial products to be summed to obtain the final product. “a[7:0]” represents the multiplicand, and “b[7:0]” represents the multiplier. Each of the partial product terms will be preceded by the Verilog “assign” command. Note that 8{1’b0} = 00000000. Also note that p1-p7 will need a separate assign statement for the zeros used to accomplish the shift left. One adaptation to the example equation above is to append the appropriate number of zeros to the partial product in order to accomplish the required shift: assign p7[14:0] = {({8{a[7]}} & b[7:0]), 7’h00}; The above equation appends 7 zeros to the end of “p7”, and adjusts the size of “p7” from 8 elements to 15. In this way, the final product will be obtained by simply summing the partial product terms:assign product = p0+p1+p2+p3 … p7;

Above and Beyond: 3 function calculator for fun

Here's the Lab Code.
Lab 2 Multiplier Code
3 Function Calculator Code