Up to this point in our course, we have been protecting you against the difficulty of gathering and formatting data for use in visualization and analysis. Tools like Tableau and PowerBI can be used to manipulate data. Some business analysts will stay in Excel and use VBA or use DAX in PowerBI. We are still going to protect you, but you will have to guide us on your data needs.
Most of the time data scientists move to the programming languages of Python, R, or SQL to wrangle their data. Both PowerBI and Tableau allow all three languages to be used internally.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation wants to eradicate Tuberculosis (TB). They have asked your team to use the World Health Organization’s report on TB to guide them on their next steps in fighting this disease.
Address the following questions;
— Visualizations created using Tableau
Students will learn the complications that come with requesting and manipulating data for use in an analysis. They will grasp that data scientists usually work in diverse teams that require them to be able to speak with technical staff in Information Technology (IT) and computer scientists as well as communicate and connect with management and other business consumers about data.